Bhotiyas Sherpas and Kinnauris

Concept Explanation

Bhotiyas Sherpas and Kinnauris

Bhotiyas, Sherpas and Kinnauris:

  • The pattern of cyclic movement between summer and winter pastures was typical of many pastoral communities of the Himalayas , including the Bhotiyas , Sherpas, Kinnauris.
  • All of them had to adjust to seasonal changes and make effective use of available pastures in different places.
  • when the pastures was exhausted or unusable in one place they moved their herds and flocks to new areas .
  • This continous movement also allowed the pastures to recover; it prevented their overuse.
  • Movement of Pastoral Nomads on the Plateaus, Plains and Deserts: The pastoral communities are also found in the plateaus, plains and deserts of India


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